E-commerce Trend In Pakistan

Ecommerce market is getting people interest day by day all over the world and this new trend is taking over Pakistani market as well cause online shopping is fast and easy, just by some clicks.
As per many in depth analysis this trend is rapidly developing ecommerce industry in this region.
The ecommerce industry is rising due massive increase in the use of social networks and great increment in usage of smart phones and tablets in Pakistan.
Popular Ecommerce Websites:
Kaymu is the largest online marketplace in Pakistan providing a single place to sell/buy product from all over the globe just by few taps on your smart phones, tablets, etc.
The chart below shows that popularity of ecommerce across Pakistan(kaymu.pk Figures).

The chart above clearly shows that the influence of ecommerce on Pakistan specially the main and most populated cities of Pakistan, which are Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.
Although Pakistan is considered as the late entrant in the world of ecommerce but it recently picked up the pace massively in online shopping and ecommerce businesses. Expert predicts as per this speed Pakistan ecommerce revenue will rise up to 600 million US dollars by 2017.

Age Groups:
It is normally observed that the younger population - between 18-34 years - is most attracted towards e-commerce trade, as compared to the rest of population. One of the most significant reasons for this observation is the fact that people above the age of 35 are less inclined towards technology and its uses, whereas youth between 18-34 years are more interested in the technological revolution and are more open towards online shopping.
Improvement in Telecommunication:
Before 2014 Pakistan was lagging very much behind than other countries in telecommunication and powerful internet networks but in 2014 Pakistani government issued 3G and 4G LTE licenses to respectful bidders which is also considered as a big jump in the rise of online shopping.
Modes of Payment:
Many modes of payment are offered as different shopping website like credit, debit , Easy Paisa, Mobicash but most popular among them all is Cash on delivery which is because still in this modern era people are hesitant to disclose their credit or debit card details online.

As we see gender wise the online shopping trend is seen more in males rather than females in Pakistan.
Other Popular Shopping Websites in Pakistan:
1.      Home Shopping Pakistan
2.      OLX.pk
3.      Daraz.pk
4.      iShopping.pk
5.      Symbios.pk

Pixel Density vs Screen Resolutions - Which is what?

When one wants to buy a smartphone, tablet, laptop or any such computing device, they look up for its detailed specifications on the internet.
There are these two terms I would like to discuss, pixel density and screen resolution. Ever wondered why are these termed differently?

Here is the core concept of the difference.

Pixel Density is the unit of pixel per centimeter on the screen of any electronic digital device.

Resolution is the number of pixels allowed physically on screen. The measurement of screen.


  • Scanner: While you are ready to scan there is an option to change DPI. That means how much pixels should be scanned. In other words, increasing DPI will clarify and sharpen your scanned image. Speed is also dependent on scanning. Scanning rate of 600x600 DPI to 1200x1200 DPI might slow down scanning speed.
  • Smartphones: Here are two smartphones. Google Samsung Nexus S & LG G3 (AT&T)


The Nexus S has a screen resolution of 800x480 pixels, whereas LG G3 has 2560 x 1440 pixels. It means 2560 pixels vertically and 1440 pixels horizontally, giving a total of 3,686,400 pixels. 

As one can observe from the above pictures that G3's image is more clear and sharp than Nexus S. This is because of pixel density. Pixels are placed in an organized manner and not overlapped.
Look below for further details.


See the red spots? These are marking overlapped pixels in Nexus S. Why? Because Nexus S cannot accommodate any image having a resolution greater than 800x480. Thus, pixels are overlapped. By zooming, one can reduce this effect.

If you still have some unanswered questions, feel free to comment below. :)

Capture The World With A Blink - Sony's Smart Contact Lens

It has been noticed that some technologies which we are using today are extracted from fiction movies and their concepts. Sony, who is already a giant in inventing new concepts, and also considered to be the top developer of the camera and its technologies has come up with an idea of a smart wearable eye lens , it is quite similar to the one shown in Hollywood movie, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE –GHOST PROTOCOL.

Sony has filed a patent application for the idea. They took this idea and added one more feature in this lens i.e: it will be able to record videos. The patent includes a pair of lens with an electroluminescence screen, which will allow user to access previously recorded stuff (e.g. images, videos).

This lens has many features like, user can zoom-in and zoom-out to optimize the image or video quality, autofocus, exposure and aperture adjustments too. With just a blink, you can control the whole operations. Data will be stored in the lens without tethering your phone.

Sony had filed this patent in May, 2013 and it is revealed now by news.

It wouldn't be long before we would have complex systems right at the blink of our eye.
Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Table Tennis Trainer - The Coolest Ping Pong Table In Town

We have already seen augmented reality being used on pool tables for instructional purposes. Following the same principle a student named Thomas Mayer has developed a table tennis trainer for his bachelor thesis.

Animated Dashboard displays Player's profile and other related stuff

Two CL-eye cameras and a HD projector was used in order to track the motion of the ball and to give the table an interactive display. One of the best features of the trainer was that it maintains the Player's profile which includes win/loss ratios, player's attributes and other related stuff. The chip which has been embedded in the player's racket serve as a login credential of the player.

We are finally getting to see the huge potential involved in Augmented Reality.
Share your thoughts in comments below.

via: Thomas Mayer

Disney's Augmented Reality Coloring Books

Disney's Coloring App converts 2d character you are coloring (in an app-compatible coloring book) into a 3d character.

In some part of our lives all of us wished to see the characters we color dance around, It wouldn't take long before our wish turns into reality as people at Disney research are working on application which can turn your doodles into 3D characters that can move around the screen of your phone/tablet just like your favorite cartoon characters.

What you need are these app-compatible coloring books and a Disney coloring app on your smartphone/tablet. The app uses the camera in order to identify which character you are coloring. The app then come into act and converts these 2d characters on the coloring book into 3d Character and displays it into the screen.While you color on the coloring book, same colors are applied on the 3d characters as well.

Sounds cool,No?
I can't wait to lay my hands on these coloring books,can you?Share your thoughts below.